Zoho CRM Next Gen UI: Using the Interactions Tab

I. Introduction It is undeniable that understanding your customer's journey is key. It is vital for building a strong relationship. The modern Zoho CRM interface has a key feature called the Interactions tab. It is the central hub where all key information about customer interactions is neatly organized in order. This article will guide you...

Published on July 8, 2024

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I. Introduction

It is undeniable that understanding your customer’s journey is key. It is vital for building a strong relationship. The modern Zoho CRM interface has a key feature called the Interactions tab. It is the central hub where all key information about customer interactions is neatly organized in order.

This article will guide you on effectively utilizing the Interactions tab to enhance your customer engagement strategy.

What is the Interactions Tab?

The Interactions tab in Zoho CRM is a powerful tool. It puts all customer touch-points into a single, organized view.

This feature is in the Leads and Contacts modules of the Enterprise and Ultimate editions of Zoho CRM. It lets users with record-viewing permissions see a full history of customer interactions.

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This centralized approach helps teams have the same interactions across all channels. It ensures personalized and effective customer service.

Benefits of Using the Interactions Tab

Using the Interactions tab, your customer-facing teams can achieve the following:

  1. Get a Complete Overview: Gain a comprehensive view of a customer’s journey from their first contact as a lead.
  2. Monitor Communication Channels: Track which channels generate the highest response rates from customers.
  3. Pre-Milestone Insights: Observe interactions that occur before key milestones in the customer journey.
  4. Gauge Interest Levels: Assess customer interest by analyzing their engagement and signals.
  5. Identify Follow-up Gaps: Detect missed follow-ups and understand how they affect future interactions.
  6. Address Unattended Points: Find areas where customers have been neglected and take corrective measures.


II. How to Access Interactions Tab

To access the Interactions tab:

To access the Interactions tab, go to the Leads or Contacts module. Next, choose a specific record for the lead or contact whose interactions you wish to view. Once you’ve selected a record, open the timeline. Click on the Timeline tab, then select Interactions.

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III. Elements of the Interactions Tab

The Interactions tab offers a detailed overview of customer touch-points, featuring several crucial elements:


These represent customer actions across various channels, such as opening an email, making a call, or visiting a website. Signals appear on the left side of the timeline.

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These are actions taken by CRM users, like sending an email or making a call. Follow-ups include details about the initiating user and the date of the interaction. Hovering over the date shows the exact time. Follow-ups are displayed on the right side of the timeline.

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Follow-ups often have statuses indicating the outcome, such as ‘Attended’ or ‘Unattended’ for calls. The statuses vary depending on the interaction medium.

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Some signals provide extra details to measure customer interest. For instance, a survey response might show the number of questions answered.

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These are big steps in the customer journey. They are tracked through pick-list values with history tracking enabled.

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Time Gaps:

This measures the time between signals and follow-ups. It helps to evaluate how quickly customers respond and engage.

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Orphan State:

This shows a longer gap between signals and follow-ups. It is calculated weekly based on average touch-point intervals.


IV. Filters and Views

The Interactions tab has many filters and views. They help you focus on specific parts of customer interactions.

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  1. Mediums: You can sort interactions by different channels. These include Emails, Calls, Meetings, Surveys, and Social Media (Facebook, Twitter). You can also sort by Zoho Desk, Webinars, and more.
  2. Users: Filter interactions linked to particular CRM users.
  3. Time: Select a specific date, set a custom date range, or use presets like Today, Yesterday, Last 7 days, and Last 30 days.

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  1. All: Displays all signals, follow-ups, and milestones.
  2. Signals: Emphasizes customer-initiated signals, showing the final follow-up before each signal.
  3. Milestones: Highlights key milestones and the last touchpoint before each milestone.

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V. Conclusion

The Interactions tab in Zoho CRM is vital for businesses. It helps them improve customer engagement. It gives a full, time-ordered view of all customer interactions.

This lets teams provide tailored service. And enable them to find communication gaps and understand the customer journey. Mastering this feature lets your organization deliver smooth interactions. So that they can be efficient and proactive with customers.

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